The Art of Compartmentalization in Three Unique Ways

Trending 3 months ago

January is nan period astir often associated pinch nan pursuit of organization, beryllium it successful our homes aliases our caller twelvemonth intentions. With my existent attraction connected family health, repast planning, zero-waste, and nan tidiness of my refrigerator, I recovered it fitting to item 3 products that are each examples of compartmentalization, and nan cosmopolitan and timeless impulse to bring bid to your kitchen.

wood array holding clay boxy nutrient retention containers stacked holding fruit

TONY® \\\ Photo: Courtesy of Lea Lorenz

First connected nan database is Lea Lorenz’s TONY®, a modern reinterpretation of nan clay jug cooling concept, leveraging evaporative cooling techniques to support nutrient “refrigerated” without electricity.

wood array holding clay boxy nutrient retention containers stacked holding fruit

TONY® \\\ Photo: Courtesy of Lea Lorenz

The individual clay coolers are disposable successful 3 different stackable sizes, each consisting of a h2o tank, a nutrient container, and a lid. This intends that each clay cooler useful separately.

wood array holding clay boxy nutrient retention containers stacked

TONY® \\\ Photo: Courtesy of Lea Lorenz

The porous raku-clay absorbs h2o from nan tank, and arsenic it evaporates connected nan instrumentality walls, it cools nan interior to an optimal 13°C to 17°C. This creates perfect retention conditions for fruits, vegetables, and baked goods. It is precisely these foods that dress up nan mostly of avoidable nutrient waste.

20 arranged clay blocks pinch different textured surfaces

Clay aboveground experiments for TONY® \\\ Photo: Courtesy of Lea Lorenz

blocks of different colored clay arranged successful stacked bid pinch numbers connected bottom

Clay file experiments pinch different types of clay for TONY® \\\ Photo: Courtesy of Lea Lorenz

The robust building of nan clay jug cooler ensures longevity. Should nan cooler go compromised, its components tin beryllium recycled by grinding them into fireclay, reintegrating them into clay masses to nutrient caller coolers.

Next, we’ll research Berlin-based designer Kimia Amir-Moazam’s instrumentality system, Vorkoster. Rather than discarding perfectly bully nutrient based connected expiration dates, Amir-Moazam developed a biochemical nutrient lid that changes colour to bespeak erstwhile refrigerated nutrient is astir to spoil. With nutrient discarded contributing importantly to c emissions, nan Vorkoster Lid offers a activity of caller air.

side by broadside down views into 2 bowls of food

Vorkoster \\\ Photo: Courtesy of Kimia Amir-Moazam

In 2021, nan Vorkoster Lid made its people astatine Dutch Design Week championing creation arsenic a unit for good. “I wanted to create thing that tin thief group to prevention food, either for sustainability aliases financial reasons.” The first moving prototype of Vorkoster was developed pinch nan thief of Sany Chea, a chemistry intelligence Amir-Moazami met during a residency astatine nan Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research. Since then, nan brace person been processing nan conception pinch a scheme to motorboat Vorkoster arsenic a commercialized product. They judge nan merchandise could deed nan shelves successful nan adjacent 2 years.

side by broadside images pinch plates connected near covered pinch onions connected rest, and correct a retention nutrient vessel pinch lids floating above

Vorkoster – pH delicate movie changes colour indicating nutrient is expiring \\\ Photo: Anouk Moerman

The Vorkoster Lid, equipped pinch pH functionality, straight responds to a nutrient item’s freshness, relying connected earthy senses akin to recognizing nan browning of a banana peel aliases nan smell of sour milk. Made from algae coated successful a specially developed parameter dye, nan movie changes colour from ray greenish to agleam purple erstwhile spoiled nutrient releases ammonia gas, providing an meticulous denotation of nutrient freshness and reducing reliance connected generic expiration dates.

Amir-Moazam drew inspiration from nan communal believe of utilizing a sheet to screen nutrient successful nan fridge. The Vorkster Lid, a chameleon after-market accessory designed to fresh immoderate bowl, ensures elasticity and compatibility pinch various containers.

Lastly, I’ve agelong admired Bauhaus designer Wilhelm Wagenfeld for his ingenious and unrivaled Kubus design. Manufactured by VLG (Vereinigte Lausitzer Glaswerke), nan German retention containers stay applicable today, astir a period aft their debut successful 1935.

Comprising 7 stackable units of adaptable sizes pinch interchangeable lids, nan creation is exceptionally versatile. Constructed from thermal shock-resistant borosilicate, these pieces tin withstand utmost power changes, transitioning seamlessly from refrigerator to oven. The modular strategy allows for usage together aliases individually, offering maximum elasticity successful nan pantry aliases tableside.

block solid retention containers successful a row

Kubus \\\ Photo: Courtesy of MoMA

Moreover, nan eco-friendly business solid is easy-to-clean, store, and efficiently showcases contents, akin to a Mondrian colour artifact stack of meal-prepped ingredients fresh to navigator for dinner.

In my search, nan existent modular stackable designs characteristic integrative aliases silicone snap-on lids, restricting their usage from fridge to oven. While food-grade silicone is marketed arsenic little harmful than plastic, immoderate still reason nan investigation remains inconclusive.

Honestly, I wish location was an all-glass merchandise for illustration Kubus presently connected nan market. It would beryllium nan solution to our integrative instrumentality curse.

Corningware, Duralex, Pyrex, are you listening?

TJ Girard is simply a sought-after nutrient designer and imaginative consultant, celebrated for staging theatrical, interactive nutrient + beverage experiences. She now resides successful California wherever her productivity is star powered! TJ writes nan Design Milk file called Taste.

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